PC / Computer / Laptop / Notebook Repair Service ( Home / Office )
Frozen screen? Internet connection down? Printer not printing? No idea how to set up your new bit of kit? Besieged by evil viruses and spyware? Confused by all this new technology?
As long as your phone is working, none of it’s a problem. Dynamic Computers expert in working out what’s wrong with your computer or other devices, and putting things right. And the scary thing is that we actually enjoy it...
Please fill in a form for or Contact us on 07790055223
* All Computer / Laptop problems fixed at competitive rates.
* All kind of Laptop or Notebook repairs / upgrades are also taken.
* Laptop LCD Screen Replacement, Faulty Power Jack Repair.
* Quality Services delivered to your Home/Office within Glasgow & surrounding areas.
* Home or Office IT Support
* Microsoft Certified Engineers.
* 24 Hour Home Technology operation with fast response for all areas.
* Free Repair Quotation, No Fix - No Fee.
* Internet / E-Mail / Broadband / Wireless Setup & Security.
* Windows Installation i.e, XP Home, XP Professional, Vista Home, Vista Ultimate, Vista Business
* Virus & Spyware Removal.
* Office Internetworking / Server Installation / Administration/Support.

* Windows Media Centre Setups.
* Data Backup and Recovery.
* Hardware & Software upgrade
* Free advice and training - Bilingual Staff Available.
* Honest & Reliable Service.
* Guaranteed Services.
All Computer / Laptop Problems are Fixed at Competitive Rates. Free Technical Advice and Training - Bilingual Staff Available
************************ Professional & Friendly Service ************************
24 Hours and 7 Days a Week Call Out Service For Home & Office IT Support
- No Call Out Charges -
Dynamic Computers like processes. So, strict four stage way of working:
1. First will take down your details, Listen as you explain the problem, assess your unique situation and verify the issues, Provide you with a competitive quote.
2. Perform the work required – keeping you informed every step of the way.
3. Then Double check all work and make sure at no extra costs that your PC or network is secure against external interference (i.e. viruses, spyware or hackers).
4. Finally, help you understand what is done, and show
you how to maintain the work.
You Will Not be disappointed!.
Dynamic Computers, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Tel: 0779 0055223
Email: sales@dynamiccomputers.co.uk